TLC Preschool - General Information
TLC Pre-School
TLC Pre-School is affiliated with and is run on the property of Trinity Lutheran Church. Our goal at TLC is to provide the kind of environment and varied experiences that will allow each child to:
TLC Preschool is licensed by the Iowa Department of Human Services. The staff meet or exceeds all Iowa Department of Human Services requirements.
Each child is asked to provide:
Contact Info
E-mail: [email protected]
Church Phone: (319) 472-5571
TLC Pre-School is affiliated with and is run on the property of Trinity Lutheran Church. Our goal at TLC is to provide the kind of environment and varied experiences that will allow each child to:
- learn through work and play in a Christian environment
- assist in a gradual adjustment from home to school life
- make possible more companionship for children of the same age
- assist in the development of good personal habits
- broaden the child's interests and experiences
- help develop creative abilities in children
- develop a good self-concept, self-liking, and self-understanding
- grow physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually
TLC Preschool is licensed by the Iowa Department of Human Services. The staff meet or exceeds all Iowa Department of Human Services requirements.
- Children must be 3 or 4 years old by September 15 of the school year, and be potty trained.
- Classes for 4-year-olds will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 - 11:30am.
- Classes for 3-year-olds will meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 - 11:30am, or from 12:30 - 3:00pm.
- The registration form and materials fee must be received before enrollment packets can be mailed out.
- Enrollment packets will be sent out beginning in April.
- All enrollment forms must be completed and returned to the preschool by August.
- A $60.00 materials fee is required to be returned with the registration form. Upon receipt of this fee, an enrollment packet will be issued.
- Tuition is figured on a yearly basis, divided equally per month. It is not figured on the number of days or hours per month. Tuition is due the first class day of every month.
- Tuition for 4-year-olds is $85.00 per month.
- Tuition of 3-year-olds is $75.00 per month.
- All checks should be made payable to TLC Preschool.
- Scholarship assistance is available to those qualifying financially.
- Informative letters will be sent home monthly explaining past, present, and future activities correlated with the classroom. At times, suggestions will be given explaining how the family can participate in projects and activities.
- Every child will have an adjustment period. If a child continues to have problems adjusting, a conference with the parents and teacher will be arranged. At this time, suggestions and ideas will be given to help with the adjustment to preschool. If these suggestions do not work, parents will be asked to withdraw their child.
- A two week notice is requested for all other withdrawals.
Each child is asked to provide:
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 book bag
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 box of quart size storage bags
- Holidays may be different than the local school calendar.
- Snow days will follow the local school cancellations.
- The school year calendar is part of the TLC Handbook.
- The State of Iowa requires a medical examination and an updated immunization card.
- Children with acute infectious diseases must remain at home until fever-free and/or on antibiotics for 24 hours. Please report any illness to the preschool.
- As a general rule, the staff will not dispense medication.
- We take part in classes offered by Benton County Empowerment.
- Our staff took part in the "Iowa Quality Preschool Program." This is a 3 year program. Our goals in this program are to create an assessment program that will assess our students according to age-appropriate skills and expand the director's knowledge by attending leadership workshops.
- Our staff attends weekly devotional sessions with the staff at Trinity. TLC staff also take part in leading some of these sessions.
- We host 2 nights of a "Meet and Greet" open house a week before school begins.
- The TLC Handbook is updated as necessary, usually each year.
- Fundraising projects each year will go toward scholarships for TLC children. Some of our projects include t-shirt sales, a soup supper, and calendar/notepad sales.
- We are proud to take part in the ECERS program. We participated for 2 years and will participate again this year. After observations and improvements in our curriculum, classroom arrangement, assessment, etc, we are able to purchase materials for our classrooms.
Contact Info
E-mail: [email protected]
Church Phone: (319) 472-5571